Exuberant emoji with multiple expressions

Okay, my grrrs!

Help me reach her…HEY TRICIA!

Tricia-bo-bisha…Trishey-pooh…Trish-the-dish.  Tricia-Magicia  Helloooo myageofacquarius (Aqua) girl over at OH GOD, NOW WHAT

This one’s for you, the emoji girl

There’s an Emoji movie coming out!  (about an Exuberant emoji with multiple expressions) Next month and it looks hysterical.  Let’s plan a cyber-go-and-see  – meaning, we can act like we are taking our families together to meet at the movies (same day) & “virtually see together” and comment after.  I think it comes out in August.  WHO’S IN?

How fun would that be – we all agree on a day – and we all go see it and blog about it!  Hahahaha!  Seriously, anyone game?  I know my kiddos are going to want to go – so why not?

Oh, and Tricia – you wanted a sarcastic emoji.  I found some that kinda feels that vibe.

This is me, “Um, yeah, Okay!”


um, yeah, that’s great, more power to you


18 thoughts on “Exuberant emoji with multiple expressions

    1. Oh, I got used to it when I was single. But, I understand – it’s like riding amusement rides by yourself. You feel funny laughing.


    2. I wouldn’t support even renting kids. You don’t want that life, friend. Wear your happy grown-up kid colors proud! It’s all about the liberation of the people ✊🏾


    1. Not a fan?!! Oh, man, so sorry. I will respect your non-fanatic life choice and omit my expressions of joy through the happy creations of emojis. I don’t use emoticons, so I replaced your choice of words. There is a difference between the two, I just learned.

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    2. Nah, it’s OK. See, Sight, I like you. And when I like someone, that means something. Ya, dig? (insert ‘thumbs up’ emoji) See what I did there? I used words to paint the pictures of my mind.

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    3. Sight likes us to be true writers and bring out the author from within. He’s gotten me to grow and explore. Emojis might be seen as a lazy way to express. (but, oh so, fun)

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    4. Oh, really? Ok, Sight. Gotcha. My facial expressions change fast like The Road Runner and so I find the little characters to be a short hand to my long-windedness at times.


  1. EEEEEEEK!!!!!!! I AM SO HERE FOR THIS!!!!!! Yes, I know about the movie. Thanks for the reminder!! Yes, let’s plan a cyber play date! OOH! What fun! Let’s be bad and use our phones while the movie is on and post emojis to each other. They can’t get mad at us for using emojis at an emoji move, right?! HA!

    Ok, so you are single handily giving me menopausal hot flashes (well, not all your fault-mother nature has come a-calling for her eggs back) with those names! Tricia-bo-bisha, Trishey-pooh, Trish-the-dish Tricia-Magicia. I’ve been called all except for Tricia-Magicia. That one fits very appropriately 👍🏾 (me giving you a pound🤛🏾) Trish-the-dish is a given 😌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HA! I’m sure others will be texting! Yes, I thought the Tricia-Magicia pretty fabulous, and unique, myself. (Like the Kool aide dude says “Oh, Yeah!”)

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  2. Oh, Sandi! I can’t believe this was the last post I visited of yours! Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?😭


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