Oh, the Horror!

…of finding a new blog to read!  Keeping with My Halloween themed posts…

Freshly Pressed

Word Press’ “freshly pressed,” often times there isn’t anything that interests me.  Scratch that- most of the time.  Some I’m like,  HOW THE HELL did that make freshly pressed?  Did they get past the hounds of hell by selling their soul?  If I want news, I’ll watch one of the major networks.  So unless you got an interesting or personal take on the event or a humorous thought on something, I don’t care.  Which leads me to…

Genre Tags

Seriously, when I click Word Press’ “humor” tag, I have discovered what I find funny and what other’s deem humorous, are two different things.  Half the time, I leave feeling like an arrow pierced my brain.  WTF did I just read?  That was ghastly.

The only thing more frightening… are the zombie’sque posts listed under family, motherhood, mom, parenting genres  – As Shaggy and Scooby would say ZOINKS! YIKES!  LET’S GET OUTTA HERE.  First of all, aren’t there any parents of older children blogging?  Mine are 9 and 11 and still have somewhat amusing stories to relate or other topics for discussion outside of family matters.  Mostly, I’ve come across parents of infants / toddlers.  If I have to read one more “lecture” or “how to” on parenting- without a fresh/humorous personal view/spin to it… I’m going to go BATTY.   I love you moms, and want to support other mommy bloggers like myself, but MANNNN.  Or, as my stepsister used to say as a child, “Maneaters!”  You are not Dr. Phil, nor do I want to reread a regurgitation of what Dr. Spock, or Oz says.  Stop trying to market your blog, stop telling us what we need to do, and actually write articles that aren’t tired, and most importantly unique to separate yourselves from the masses.  Link something Dr. Spock wrote to an anecdote/personal family experience.  Make it interesting, Please, I beg of thee.

Liking Posts and Gravatar links

I’ve even clicked my favorite blogs, and those other bloggers that have “liked” their particular blog post, I will click over to that person’s site to see who they are if they are someone I’d like to follow.

First of all, BOO to those bloggers that have a Gravatar, and write a bunch info on the sidebar, clearly wanting you to follow them… but there’s NO LINK to their blog.  Double Oreo BOO to those that have like 5 sites linked.  I get too confused to

Did I just die?

decide which link I want to click.  When I do, inevitably it’s the one with fictional writing… I rarely read fictional writing because most of them are so boring I nearly expire and feel like a skeleton.  I prefer real life stories/drama- there’s plenty of material if you look.  I quickly move on…


Site appearance makes a difference, trust me.  Today, I came across a warm pink, floral/petal like blog.  “If their intent was to make it look like a vagina, they were successful.” was all I kept thinking.  It looks like a gyna-looks like a gyna.  I couldn’t stay long enough to read the content.  Not that there’s anything wrong with womanly body parts, but when the blog is not pertaining to womanly matters…and the first post you see has skull and cross bones images…  I don’t know about you Ghouls, but who wants to associate a vajay-jay with skull and cross bones?  Fuck, let’s add some cobwebs too, why not?  BEWARE- stay out!


Can you maniacs make some referrals?  Only 1 referral (in the comments) that is not plugging your own blog.  I will visit your blog no matter because you responded.  Before commenting, if you can view my “favorites” page first to ensure I don’t already follow them?  I’m serious.  I need new material to read outside of my favorites.  What better way to find other blogs to haunt than via referrals from my current blogging buddies?