Ssssh, it’s the library

Hey my grrrs!  The below article was inspired by Sight11’s post

Oh, and Be sure to check out my new challenge. A Song Title will be released each Monday. Come participate and have fun! Click for details.  You have a whole week to write!

Ssshhh, it’s the library!

Okay, so I just realized…wait, not “just” (it’s been known for a while) I’m strange.

I like going to the library.

What’s so weird about that?  I don’t go to the library for the same reasons others do.  In fact, I have not been in some time.  When the kids were tiny, my husband and I would attempt to be good parents, take our kids to the library and check out some books…thinking VOILA, kids will instantly develop a passion for reading.  They will be super smart and we could eventually send themselves out on their own.


I think we’ve taken them a handful of times.  I never had the patience to understand the filing system…and just when I thought I had a grasp on it – in came computers and stuff to complicate.  If I need something in particular, and take time to try and find it, most of the time it’s not there.  Then, I  have to ask someone, and they indicate oh, sometimes it’s put in this section or that section.  Or someone moved it.  Or I’m completely in the wrong section entirely.  So, I don’t ever go with a mission to find a particular book.  Ever.  Although, I must say, the Orange County Libraries “online” system is way cool!

It was easy when the kids were little, here’s the children’s section – go to it – mommy is going to sit in this quiet corner.  Maybe draw with some crayons at this table.  I didn’t have time to read.  So, I used that library time as “quiet time.” – which lasted about 10 minutes because 1 child always needed you.

But as they got older, go explore, I’d say.  As that’s what I do.  I just roam about…going up and down aisles.  I love the bound spines of older books and I like to pull out random books, gaze at them, and put return them to the spot they were.  Sometimes, I find myself tidying up the shelf.  I enjoy the smell of the books.  No, I’m not that crazy going around and sniffing the books…well, maybe once (or twice.)   Just being there, makes me feel intelligent.  I figure as I enjoy the A/C, I will absorb knowledge by simply walking by and touching objects.  Just as I might consider checking out a book or two…

…the kids, attempting to be quiet, do a STAGE WHISPER across the entire sections of the library.  If you’ve taken any theater classes, the first thing they teach is the stage whisper – whispering, but loud enough for the audience to  hear from the stage.  So – it’s loud.  And because it’s a whisper, it catches other people’s attention.

“MOM…HE WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE.” – (sssh) then I find myself gesturing frantically (from the other side of the library) at my son, to move away from his sister.  I get a strange look from a man near me, trying to interpret my mime because I almost smacked him in the process of me silently scolding my son.  (sorry, dude)


Now, I have to go over and tell him to SHUT IT – and then try to assist him. (and now the librarian is frowning at us)  When I finally return back to my exploring, the kids are done and either I just leave or I grab 6 books, because I didn’t  have time to make up my mind about what I might want to read…if I find the time.  It can’t be anything requiring much thought.  Just some guilty pleasure.

Then, I forget to return the darn things.  I might have read or started one…and then It’s back they go.  Because I know this about me…most of the time, I just aimlessly walk around the library touching and smelling.

Besides, I’m a blogger…I’d much rather be writing then reading.  Although, I have been known to “power read” through a book if I like it.  It just doesn’t happen that often.