Toss some Salt around…

Early morning, 5:30ish, I quietly went downstairs to start Thanksgiving morning. Since we had two tables, we needed 2 sets of Salt-n-Pepper shakers.  Went to fill up the decorative salt and pepper shakers for the first time ever…tilted one over, took the plug out and began to pour salt.

Immediately, I felt salt pouring in my hand that was holding the shaker…and assumed I was missing the hole (It was early) I stopped … only to realize, I was not missing, it was simply falling out the other end, because I was holding the shaker upside down. (Ugh!)

Although we don’t care for Turkey, my husband cooked a great bird.  It was moist and tasty due to cooking inside plastic bag, poking holes in bag and basting with a pad of butter.   Unfortunately, since we had no stuffing inside, the bird cooked a little faster and was done an hour sooner than planned.

The in-laws arrived right on time with the stuffing and variety of items (that we already had), to which my husband’s step-mother informed us that her daughter was always late.  (and a tip, to tell her to come 1/2 hour sooner to any event) – Eventually, She and her new boyfriend showed up about 45 minutes late…and her guy was carrying a 9X12 dish of pre-cooked TURKEY.  (WTF?)

When I inquired about the mashed potatoes and green beans she was supposed to bring, she said she brought them, but still had to make them.  She acted surprised, like she didn’t know that her boyfriend brought turkey.  Seriously?

Between the step mom and her daughter…they took over the kitchen to do their part of the dinner…except, the sister would “start” something and then leave.  She’d go visit or plop herself on the couch and text.  I kept asking who had placed something in the microwave, because it kept beeping that something was done.

She then yelled from the living room to the kitchen, “Oh, that’s the bacon for the green beans.  MOM.  check to see if it’s done.”

Of course, grandma, with wine in hand, was busy telling my husband what to do.  “I don’t know if your bacon is done.  You check it.  By the way, your instant mashed potatoes are burning.”

To which she yelled back, “Oh, stir those for me, MOM.”

Then she’d come back in the kitchen…I ended up leaving and finding a quiet corner of the living room, as my hubby was trying to carve the turkey, the other two began bickering.  Then they kept telling my husband, put everything in the oven to stay warm, while he carved.  The step-sister would walk out…and then come back in…finally to address the damn beeping microwave that had been going off for 30 minutes that contained bacon bits for the green beans.

“Where’s the green beans?  Where are the green beans?”

My husband calmly stated they were In the oven.  When inquired why he did that, “because your mom told me to, to keep them warm.”

She opened the oven door, and peered inside and said, “I can’t find the green beans.”

OMG they are right there.  Meanwhile, because she and her boyfriend are alcoholics, they drink a ton of coffee.  AND I MEAN, our poor coffee pot, I’m surprised still works, because she made like 10 pots that evening.  And one time, she didn’t get the pot on the actual burner and while the coffee was brewing, it was partially getting in the pot, and partially dripping onto the new counter top and down my new cabinets and flooring that is not meant to handle puddles of liquid.  (FUCK)  I had to run in, and try not to over-react, but quickly correct and clean.

After dinner, I eventually disappeared for a bit, while they all played nickel knock with the kids.  I came back to clean-up, and my son, sitting between grandma and auntie said,

“Why are you guys talking so loudly?  You’re right next to my face and saying LALAALALALA”  (I bust up laughing in the kitchen, because seriously, I’m loud…but holy shit…those two are so damn loud and they were basically yelling in my kids’ face, animated or disagreeing over the game.

There is so much more…like disagreements on flakey buscuits vs. rolls  and where the rolls will be placed.  It took me 2 days to recover.  No lie, it felt like I had a hang-over the following day, but only had 1 glass of wine the entire time.




Don’t you love when people invite themselves over and expect you to be gracious about  it?  That’s how I felt when my husband’s step-sister announced:

“Hey, so now that you’ve officially moved here, Thanksgiving at your house!”

Wait.  What?  Our house wasn’t even built yet and it was only end of August,  and was expected to be done around October.  Far too close to have us think about having people over…especially for a holiday celebration.

Her mom immediately seconded that announcement, as she was too old and tired to have at her home anymore.  Which I internally laughed, because the only person going to their house, was her daughter…that lived with her for a while.  It’s her own children that drain her and unable to care for themselves as adults  in their 40’s and 30’s.  And they have no kids.

It doesn’t matter that now that we are in the new house, we are still trying to have warranty items fixed, and trying to get boxes unloaded, etc.  We’re the big jerks if we don’t respond with “oh, sure, that would be great!”

So I’ve been running around, like a chicken-with-its-head-cut-off (ha!) trying to get boxes emptied, our living room / kitchen area somewhat nice – all I gotta warn is – don’t go to the 2nd floor.  I need a post like this at the foot of our stairs.

Danger No One Permitted Beyond This Point Sign.

Needless to say, I will be stressed out… It’s only 4 guests, but when you really don’t cook...and your hyper-critical, step-mother-in-law, is coming… my husband is going to save the day by taking responsibility for the turkey.  We don’t even like turkey.  Normally, my hubby would do prime rib or some kind of other meat.  Now, his dad is coming and traditional.  And all I keep seeing in my minds-eye…

a video playing of I LOVE LUCY moments and like that  movie, Rat Race, where Cuba Gooding Jr. is pretending to be a bus driver taking a bunch of “Lucys” to the I LOVE Lucy convention…and they blow a flat and lose the spare tire, and everyone whines…and the Asian Lucy yells out – “You ruined our whole vacation.”  But instead it will be “You ruined Thanksgiving!”



Discussing with hubby when we should pick up our Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving…my 14 year old’s theory of why we should pick it up now…

“So I’m thinking about pie…and I really think you should get it before Thanksgiving…so we have it for 3 days…you know like that formula of PI 
3.something-something… Means 3 days of PIE! “

So, who’s up for that logic?

This just happened last night, and reminded me so much of when my son was just toddling, and talking, not forming complete sentences yet…and after his first taste of pie (thanks to grandma)  Whenever he’d hear the word… He’d come wobble walking, as quick as his chubby little legs would carry him, calling out in earnest…

“I pie.  I pie…ma, I PIE.”

And would pat my leg for a delicious bite, and he’d wiggle his body a bit, back and forth as he chewed… and sometimes would lose his balance and fall on his diapered bottom.  But he’d pop back up for more!

A series of post leading up to Thanksgiving day…

What would you do with 450 Mill?

I’m sorry, but I seriously can’t wrap my head how anyone can spend a ton of $$ on art. I find it absurd this 450 million! I don’t care WHO painted the thing…paintings like this should be donated to museums and that money the buyer just spent….should go toward feeding the hungry, or providing shelter for the homeless. I just don’t get it. (unless this auction was for the benefit of the needy – I couldn’t see anywhere in the article indicating this.)

Seriously, if I selfishly, really desired this painting, I would want to remain anonymous out of embarrassment for spending that kind of money when I could have started a foundation to support a worthy cause, or two…or three or four…and still support other existing foundations.


Manic Monday #9 Challenge – Turn the Page

For those that enjoy challenges, and if you like music… you might have some fun with this.  It’s called Manic Monday.  Welcome to the 9th installment!

Each week, I’ll present a new song title, and you come up with a post using it by next Sunday. Ping back to this post, so others can read!  Often times, I release the title the weekend prior so you have plenty of time!

If you are not a WordPress user, provide link to your post in comments.

It can be fiction/non-fiction, poetry, subject can be dark, serious or humorous – however many characters you want- just have fun with it!  It doesn’t have to pertain to the song, whatsoever. (click here for past song titles)

The rules are…there are no Rules!  (except using the title of the song part)

We are now working our way through the Alphabet of artists/bands. Thanks to Blogger Pal, Jim, he mentioned Bob Seager last week and I recall how much I loved him and heard him playing in the background throughout the years.  My mom’s husband was a fan.  When I’m switching the channels on the car radio, I always stop for this song “Turn the Page”  It was released in 1973, and I just love the intro! More info on


Use that song title anywhere in your blog post, ping back this post! (visit others that posted, if you want) If you need more inspiration, you can Click here for lyrics

P.S.  Give me a few minutes to approve your PING to avoid spam.  Only comment with a link to your post (if not wordpress user) – minimizing comments ensures we can easily see all the posts.

Manic Monday #8 Challenge – Same Old Song and Dance

For those that enjoy challenges, and if you like music… you might have some fun with this.  It’s called Manic Monday.  Welcome to the 8th installment!

Each week, I’ll present a new song title, and you come up with a post using it by next Sunday. Ping back to this post, so others can read!  Often times, I release the title the weekend prior so you have plenty of time!

If you are not a WordPress user, provide link to your post in comments.

It can be fiction/non-fiction, poetry, subject can be dark, serious or humorous – however many characters you want- just have fun with it!  It doesn’t have to pertain to the song, whatsoever. (click here for past song titles)

The rules are…there are no Rules!  (except using the title of the song part)

We are now working our way through the Alphabet of artists/bands. One of my favorite songs by Aerosmith is the, “Same Old Song and Dance”  It was released in 1974, and I was just 3 years old.  But, I had a mom that loved “Classic Rock” and I grew up listening to bands like these.  Funny thing – I picked this song for the blog and my daughter announced that she just heard this song on the bus on her way home today.  How bizarre is that?  Another middle school student put it on their phone and as I was typing this and listening, she told me, “Wait. I just heard this song!”


Use that song title anywhere in your blog post, ping back this post! (visit others that posted, if you want) If you need more inspiration, you can Click here for lyrics

P.S.  Give me a few minutes to approve your PING to avoid spam.  Only comment with a link to your post (if not wordpress user) – minimizing comments ensures we can easily see all the posts.